Saturday, May 05, 2007

What the??

So yeah interesting week, and by interesting I say let's never repeat that again. Not that is was a bad week in terms that 20 years from now I will still be haunted by the stupid things that happened but it definitely took at mental toll on the brain there. I do remember going up to people and asking if they wanted anybody killed for I had that much frustration in me. (it's the Italian I think) But I calmed the rage within and no one died. Now everything seems to be fine and I discovered I haven't been outside to read in a very long time so that might help with the people must die attitude. Must get out by pool for mental sanity. Also borders today was pretty relaxing. I came into do storytime, and to my surprise I was 1/2 hour late, yet I didn't get in trouble for it because they changed the scheduled last minute and never notified me. mmm. And I was there before storytime actually started so all was good. That and only one boy came so we ditched the planned reading a read some Thomas the tank engine books. Then Chris and I shelved DVD's oh so many I want and I believe Chris is going to lone me his copy of Crash. hehe I love movies and TV series especially the british. There may have been several times where I had to stop and make sure the back of a DVD was okay. Nicole was passing out free samples always a plus, Jeff was walking around with a metal rod attached to his head with a sign that said go see spidey-3 today. I had the mud chocolate cheesecake for lunch with the berry cascade to drink, Anthony discovered water coming from the walls, Bill was only there for the last hour, and Tim was announcing Elton John randomly. Oh and we learn that pushing the walkie talkie over at the push to talk button doesn't actually make the walkie talkie talk. Thanks Joe for that discovery. So yeah I am tired of writing and am terrible about ending blogs. peace.


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