Normal Hours
I have been working somewhat normal hours, which I find very very weird. And of course by normal I mean going in for 8 hours a day not 9-6. Still going in at 1pm or 4pm and only staying 8 hours is pretty weird. The nice part is that I am getting to know the area. Found a good coffee place, looking into volunteering at the hospital and if I actually get a monday night off I might go take pictures at the skateboard park when they have BMX bike practice. Today I am going to go to the post office and mail a few things out, then see if I can apply for a library card. (Free books! happy dance) Which will be very good because I just finished the one I was reading. Other then that, and the scrubs marathon interjected with a firefly episode every now and then, my life has been filled with little explorations. Last week we meet our neighbors down stairs, two very nice guys. They said once the raining season ends it is beautiful here, and to be quite honest the raining season has not been that bad, basically about 4:30 it rains everyday for an hour, maybe a little bit more at night. Granted it is a huge downpour that you can barely see through but nothing too scary. Though I did have to drive Julia (my roommate) to her car one morning because rain was up to the crack in her door. Eh. I got to make Biscotti, mmmm so good and made the dough for gnocci but haven't made them yet. I ordered two books about paint faux finishes and they are pretty awesome. Some stuff I knew, some I didn't and some really won't work for theatre but can be adapted. It is exciting. Almost as exciting as creating a superlogo for Dave's Dog Henry! (Yes I did say superlogo and it maybe be yellow and will be put on a red water proof cape). The set is currently being put together on stage today and I get to play will it all night. Yippie! I might even have the weekend off which would be cool because I need to take random pictures of cows. Why you say. Well if you look up the lyrics to Cows with Guns, you will note the very strong urge to make a music video to this song. hehe cows with guns and really bad puns.
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