Saturday, October 21, 2006


So yes another post with a time as title indicating that I just got home. Well I really got home around 6:30 but there was the whole changing into cloths that are comfy and not covered in paint, I stress the later. Putting V8 and other snacking foods away yada yada yada. The set is looking cooler and cooler I was going to take a picture to post but between the brick grout and sanding I forgot. Today was nice though because Karen (who I might steal from Eric and make her a paint intern) stayed and helped me paint. Well more she was hairspraying plexi so the lighting designer doesn't yell at the set designing for for place 20 reflective surfaces center stage. But it was a huge help and she painted somethings black, and kept me from talking to my paint brushes for a little while longer. Also Eric was staying late to work on sound so he went for a Starbucks run (yes I know not the greatest but only place within walking distance of the theatre) we had a 5 dollar gift certificate each from Bari for helping with a funraising event so I ask him to get my the larges chai my card would buy. mmm so good. Then we painted ( Karen and I and Eric worked on sound. ) Before they left we had a chocolate eyeball break from Karen's Halloween care package, hmmm chocolate eyeballs, it is here we started to talk about restuarants we missed from home and how far was too far to drive for fresh krispy kremes. mmm okay I need to stop talking about food, and get some sleep tomorrow I paint the floor.


Blogger Susan said...

You like Krispy Kremes? I've heard they're popular, but I prefer Dunkin Donuts.

I hope you're sleeping good and long....

7:08 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

There's a Krispy Kreme by Matt's... and ooooooohhhhhh.... the yumminess!

10:49 AM  

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