Saturday, November 25, 2006


So today was a good day of doing not much of anything. Karen and I decided to go ice skating. It was nice and cool and I did not fall down once but I almost ran into the skate guard. It was nice to pretend it was winter. Then I started to check some very inportant things on-line. (ie checking if that make ice skates for doggies) Then I e-mailed my friend ryan who I lost his e-mail and then found on the website of the radio station he works at. Which lead me to the homestar runner oh the e-mails. I have missed you. Inbetween that I also checked out that Right Arms myspace hehehe silly band silly boys great fun. Tomorrow is the start of tech and nights yippie.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Finding Neverland

One of the best movies of all time. And even though I cry every time I watch I still love it dearly. It inspires me. Tomorrow I hope to finishing editing my story that I started in college. It is so rough and old to me but it will be nice to get it down and move on to more interesting stories.

On another note I have been taking the discarded gels from the theatre and cutting them into snow flakes. Now it is snowing on half of me room. I am hoping that the next show might damage some yellows and reds and I can do flowers or leaves to help disguise the white wall.

Anywho time for bed long day tomorrow.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Oh how I missed the interweb. A lot has happen over the past week. Last week was the two year mark of well a very difficult year. Nine people died, hearts were broken, the world shifted and there was a general sense of being lost and being overcome by events. Then there are the little things that I kind of forgot even happened like the accident Rachel I witnessed that pop up. On this week I like to do two things one call Coral and Rachel and two go somewhere and have some personal time. So this weekend I went camping by myself at Myakka River State Park. It was quite a lovely trip. The park is beautiful. I only went hiking on a couple of trails but I really want to save up for a bike and start biking again. They have a Canopy trail that is actually part of an on going research project. It is quite wonderful and you can look down on the trees and also look right through the canopy on the walkway between the two towers. This was my Friday night, then I ate dinner and read under the stars. I regret to say I was sleepy and fell asleep before the meteor showers peak. (But a group of us went out on Saturday after the Arts Event) Still seeing all the stars was enough. I would like to go back again. I found that the spanish moss reminds me of snow. Also I saw wild pigs (or hogs) Some deer, tons of birds including a bald eagle. A couple of alligators but I elected not to get to close to them. I find it weird to see the alligators then to see people putting their Kayaks in the water only ten feet away. Weird. Here are some pictures!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Stranger than Fiction rules!

Go see Stranger than Fiction it was great!! Perhaps I am bias due to the writing major but still it is great. When we went on what is soon becoming Monday movie night. (last week we saw Marie Antoinette, then afterward had Champaign and Cake) ( This one cookies and Margaritas though there were no Margaritas in the movie.) It was a funny and Emma Thompson is very funny. Must put a shout out for it now back to work!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


How I love my mp3 player and the random button. It reconnects me with long lost loved melodies. I have reach the point where I have so much music that I forget what I own sometimes. And yet still I want more, I must be a greedy person or maybe I am an explorer of over people's minds. Either way it was nice to come home, make some french toast, and then hit the swings surrounded by music. For the past couple of days I have been somewhere and thought I forgot, my wallet, my library card, my cable to the computer, only to realized after I had gone back to the place I left it, that I had something that would have worked just as well with me and there was no need for extra travel. While I would like to blame my blindness on otherthings, today I was determind to be more aware of what was happening around me. I think this showed int he fact that I answered my phone twice! (which many of you know is a rare thing) and was rewarded with a movie I had reserved and a conversation with Rachel! Perhaps that is why I am so happy with my music, or because the elections have come and gone. I don't know how it is in other states but down here the ads were getting really mean, and were aired on every commercial break sometimes twice! I don't even watch that much TV and it was scarying me. More that people can justify spending so much money on discrediting someone, I would get sick trying to edit those commercials. John Lennon's words ring in my head "Give peace a chance." I really don't want to hear why the other guy sucks, leave that to reports, let me know why I should like you, for I tend not to like people who call people names espeically so when you do it on billboards and huge TV screens it doesn't give me confidence in you character. okay enough venting. Time to work on some photos.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

O-Zone is alive and well

And I don't mean the layer around the earth but the band. While compling someone's birthday present I have become very close to this song. Julia and I were watching some videos, including the Lego version of O-zone. I just found the oringal still out there living well. In the process of lovely interweb music videos. THe Band OK Go has an amazing video for their song here it goes again. It is wonderfully funny.

Battling a cold, going to watch a movie and relax. My mind has already forgot what I was going to post, all the joys of being sick.